Friday, 27 August 2010

Friday 27 August

Hi, Oliver here.

Quiet day today. N & J left me behind while they were taken around Colombo by the ever-lovely Ranga. The man must be sainted, I tell you.
The highlight of their trip was a look around the main Buddhist temple in Colombo.

They did see some fab things, though, and then went and had a beer and lime juice at the Galle Face Hotel.

After that they came back to the hotel and found H
poolside. Cool shorts and getting redder by the minute! Apparently he was feeling a little jaded this morning so took it easy. These youngsters just can't take the pressure.
There were weddings all over the city today as, apparently, it is an auspicious date.Personally, I live a solitary life - just being stared at by the cat occasionally.
As I write they are all having a little resties prior to going out for an early dinner. At the Hilton. I ask you, are they never satisfied?
Tomorrow - it's kick-off. Learning to drive the tuk-tuk. Oh God, I wish I was back at home.


  1. All this drinking and fine dining. I just knew this is where our charity money would go!!

  2. I hope it is Oliver that wishes he was at home... not Jonathan! All sounds wonderful. Calm before the storm?! Of course not, you will drive your Tuk Tuk with the same style and enthusiasm that has embraced the Columbian hospitality! Enjoy the first day! xxxx

  3. PS. Columbian as in Colombo, not coffee plantation territory! xx
